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发布日期:2022年08月26日   阅读:[ ]

姓名:孙科科 性别:男 出生年月:1990.08     籍贯:陕西渭南

政治面貌:中共党员 学历:博士 现工作单位:香港理工大学 博后研究员




2021.6-至今      香港理工大学土木与环境工程学院 博后  

2017.9-2021.6    重庆大学材料科学与工程 博士      

2010.9-2017.6    济南大学材料科学与工程 工学学士及硕士




研究方向包括:建筑材料的修补加固;碱激发材料的制备工艺微生物侵蚀性能;工业废弃物的绿色循环及耐久性研究。科研成果得到国内外顶尖期刊的积极评价,以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI,EI类论文10篇,多篇文章发表在Construction building and materials, Composition part B engineering, Cement and concrete and composition等权威期刊,申请国家发明专利授权4项。





 (2) Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund: Development of anti-bacterial geopolymer composite with incineration sewage sludge ash and waste glass for sewerage structure rehabilitation.(参与)







(1) Sun, Keke, Hafiz Asad Ali, Chi Sun Poon, et al. Utilization of APC residues from sewage sludge incineration process as activator of alkali-activated slag/glass powder material. Cement and Concrete Composites. 2022, 113, 104680.

(2) Sun, Keke, Xuan Dongxing, Chi Sun Poon, et al. Effect of the Ti-extracted residue on compressive strength and microstructural properties of modified cement mortar. Construction and Building Materials. 2022, 320: 126190.

(3) Sun, Keke, et al. Effect of styrene-butadiene rubber latex on the rheological behavior and pore structure of cement paste. Composites Part B: Engineering. 163 (2019): 282-289.

(4) Keke, Sun, et al. Design method for the mix proportion of geopolymer concrete based on the paste thickness of coated aggregate. Journal of Cleaner Production. 232 (2019): 508-517.

(5) Sun, Keke, et al. Effect of nano-SiO2 on the efflorescence of an alkali-activated metakaolin mortar. Construction and Building Materials. 2020,201:118952

(6) Sun, Keke, et al. Utilization of BOF steel slag aggregate in metakaolin-based geopolymer. Construction and Building Materials. 2021, 300: 124024.

(7) Sun Keke, et al. Influence of paste thickness on coated aggregates on properties of high-density sulphoaluminate cement concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 115: 125-131.

(8) Yang Jiaojiao, Zhang Huagang*, Yu Tao, Zheng Yong, Sun Keke*, et al. Study on the modification mechanism of modifiers on the properties of sawdust-magnesium oxychloride cement composite. Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 344:128172.

(9) BAN Jiaxing, SUN Keke, et al. Advances in the use of recycled inorganic silicon oxide wastes as a resource for non-ferrous metal mine site remediation. Environmental Research, 2022, 212:113533.

(10) 孙科科, 彭小芹等. 地聚合物混凝土抗冻性影响因素.材料导报,2021,35(24): 24095-24100.

(11) 彭小芹,孙科科等.一种碱激发粉煤灰基膨胀型钢结构防火涂料

(12) 宫晨琛,孙科科.一种有机改性水泥基修补砂浆

